php meetup

Web 2.0 PHP Mashups from IBM

The Mashable, Programmable, Schemantic Web with PHP and Zend

January 22nd, 2008

New York PHP Community welcomes you to 2008 and our seventh year. Over the years, we've seen a tremendous evolution in web technology and we're pleased to have been a part of it. We have another exciting year ahead of us, and we're proud to kick it off by welcoming back Dan Gisolfi and IBM with a look at the next punctuated equilibria: Web 2.0 Mashups.

Several emergent trends and technologies under the Web 2.0 umbrella have set the stage for a dramatic shift in Enterprise IT whereby business users and SMEs can leverage internal and external content to define and build their own situational decision making utilities with little help from IT.

This top-down view of application development allows the knowledge worker and the IT professional to redefine their application development relationship. Today non-programmers can assemble, wire and share their own web applications while corporate IT focuses on the delivery of content centric widgets and data services. The business impact of this paradigm shift in application development is such that information is now in the hands of the end user thereby enabling that user to create his/her own just-in-time situational business application.

Attendees will experience the development of several live mashup assemblies using IBM's Mashup Starter Kit and other partner offerings. In addition to best practices for designing content centric architectures, harvesting web content and assembling enterprise mashups, the session will feature an analysis of the roadmap for enterprise mashups. We will also cover the IBM and ProgrammableWeb interlock and an update on our work with Zend.

Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public.


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