php meetup

The Zend Server and Developer Cloud

In-depth look at Zend's latest PHP offerings.

March 27th, 2012

Join Edward Kietlinski, Zend Technology Sr Consultant, for a look at how Zend Server 5.5 helps streamline the application deployment process and helps bring consistency and automation to the entire application lifecycle.

If it seems like your agile development workflow is stuck in molasses because deployment problems and manual steps are slowing down the process, then this is a good way to improve rollouts and become even more agile. If you're already trying out the Zend Server trial, you'll learn how to leverage its application deployment features, and if you're not, you'll learn how to take it for a test drive.

We will also showcase Zend Developer Cloud, part of Zend's technology preview that was announced at last Zendcon conference. Zend Developer Cloud, as its name suggests, is a cloud-hosted dev environment designed to help you code more quickly and more efficiently. It includes a robust PHP stack, advanced debugging capabilities, collaboration tools and much more. Zend Developer Cloud takes only a few clicks to get started and does not require any server installation but is tightly integrated with Zend Studio 9. To make it even better, is absolutely free!


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