[nycphp-jobs] JOB: PHP/MySQL Developer in NYC

Jane Wells janewells at
Thu Sep 15 10:10:17 EDT 2005

Hello. I need to find a PHP/SQL developer asap for a 3-month full-time
contract with my company, with the possiblity of full-time regular
employment afterward. The company ( makes a
desktop application used by the fashion industry, which is written in
Java Swing. This project will be building a sales (will use paypal
storefront for now) and user administration tool for the accounts of
people using the application. The admin tool will talk to the company
server, not to the desktop app itself, so no knowledge of Java Swing
is required. The admin will be tied into the corporate web site and
tutorial center/knowledge bas, which will be redesigned to fit with
the admin tool, and needs to be run by a CMS (preferably open source
php). The last piece is a web viewer version of the desktop
application. At this time it is little more than a frames-based
display page. For this initial project, the web viewer will need to be
incorporated into the new template system. After the first of the
year, the next big project will be building some of the application
functionality into the web viewer, making it a thin client (fun!). I
would ideally like the interface to make use of Ajax for editing
fields without reloading pages, so experience with that would be nice.
In summary:

-Build a backed user admin tool using standards-compliant PHP, Pear
when applicable
-Implement a CMS to run the corporate web site
-Code up the new interface in standards-compliant XML/CSS 
-Manage any additional coders as needed (for example, if you are busy
building a shopping cart, we could hire an extra person for a couple
of weeks to code the interface, etc)

The company is based in Amsterdam, which is where all the Java
developers are. I, the product manager/interaction designer/jane of
all web trades, am here in NYC, and will the person you work with
primarily. You must have your own equipment, and will not work from a
central office, so theoretically you could be anywhere as long as you
were in NY once a week or so for us to get together.

Start date as soon as possible, contract through end of year. Rate
negotiable. If interested, please send your resume, link to an online
portfolio if you have one, and a sample of code you feel is an example
of your best work (this can wait if you would prefer, I will be having
someone else review code samples for me since I am not a hardcore
programmer, but would need to be submitted prior to interviewing). The
sooner the better.
Thanks, Jane

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