[nycphp-jobs] PHP/MySQL Pro -- Part-time, Long-term

William E. Fisher wefisher at
Fri Mar 3 12:17:44 EST 2006

(Note: If this position is not right for you, please forward this listing to your friends and colleagues.)


Hello NYPHP:


Here is an opportunity to join a complex and interesting project that is nearly completed and ready for launch.  Your main job is to nail down a few remaining elements so that the launch can actually happen.


The project is a business-to-business membership organization serving a particular niche.  It combines many exciting features: for example, social networking, blogging and communications.  The site has been developed over a long time and with your help it will launch in March.  Your work can then continue--indefinitely--as the site adds additional features, fixes bugs and does general maintenance and webmastering.


For the first 2-3 weeks you will need to devote at least 20-30 hours per week.  After that time, 20 hours or less would be more likely.  You will work from your home, and you can work at odd hours-as long as you can get the job done and communicate occasionally during daytime business hours.  Freelancers, students and moonlighting professionals are welcome to apply.  


The goal is short term performance - plus - a long-term relationship based on competence, reliability and trust.  




You must have solid mastery of PHP and MySQL skills and an understanding of the principles of site and database architecture.  The site uses OO programming, CSS and occasional JavaScript, so you should have good skill with these as well.  (Apache and Linux experience wouldn't hurt, either.)


You must be a problem solver with strong attention to details.  An important part of your task will be to join a project that is well underway and to learn the structure and make use of existing code, styles and functions.  You will also be asked to occasionally work with, or integrate code and functionality prepared by, other part-time programmers.  If you have the talent, you will be the primary technologist on this project and we can grow it together for the long run.


You must have excellent communication skills to provide daily updates by phone and email.  


You should be a person of integrity.  


You will work from home.  Although I would prefer to work with someone in the Greater New York / New Jersey / Connecticut area, you could be anywhere within the U.S. 


This project has a small budget until launch and an only slightly bigger budget for the following two months.  So cost is definitely a consideration.  If the launch is successful, ..



Reply With a cover letter and a resume (MS Word .doc only) and tell me in a cover letter about your interest in this project, as well as your skills, experience (links), and hourly rate.  If we proceed, you will be asked to provide verifiable references.


Thank you for your reply.  


William Fisher

wefisher at
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