[nycphp-jobs] programmer/ CTO/ partner

Project Mailb project_mailbox at
Mon Jan 8 16:19:50 EST 2007

I'm looking for a business partner, CTO and programmer—all rolled into one. Is this you?
I want to bring a niche b-2-b social networking project off the back burner and launch it in the next 2-4 months. Can you help? It is a chance for ownership participation in an innovative project with strong commercial appeal.
You (a person or a couple of people) will need to think like a CTO and program like a god. You will need to combine some serious programming and architecting skills. The site has been programmed in LAMP and is quite large and complex. Although it is probably 90% complete, there is still lots to do. You will need to be a first rate, object-oriented PHP programmer, with excellent mySQL knowledge and additional strength in JavaScript and CSS.
You will need good project management skills, teamwork and excellent communication skills. And of course, you will need to think and work like an owner. There is no salary, hourly wage or project fee for this. You build part of it, you own part of it. And our small team will bring it to market profitably together.
If this project is a success for us, it will form the foundation of a second project (also on the back burner and also well underway) with even greater potential for the second half of the year.
Part-time is fine. Moonlighting from a bigger job is fine. (Even a student team might be okay.) You simply must be able to get the job done well--to the highest standards--and on schedule.
If you are interested, reply with a resume and description of your relevant skills and experience. Also tell me how much time you will be able to devote to this project and where you are located. Include an email address and a phone number.

Reply to:
|        project_mailbox
|        at

Thank you.

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