[nycphp-jobs] (no subject)

Stephen Widman stevewidman at
Wed Sep 26 14:07:42 EDT 2007

I am starting a website called I hired a web  
developer who wasn't able to deliver what he promised,
and I am no longer using him.  The concept of the site is that guitar  
teachers can create comprehensive profiles including
styles of guitar taught, equipment used, fees, location, videos,  
mp3's and more.  Guitar students would be able to search
for the guitar teachers who best fulfill their goals by location and  
a series of check boxes or drop down menus that offer
"mix and match" options such as location, fees, styles taught, etc.

The website that best exemplifies what I am looking for is The  
NYTimes Real estate site:

If you are confident that you can deliver a product as described,  
please contact me with links to sites that you have developed, your  
fee, and a time frame for when you can get started and how long it  
will take to complete the project.

I prefer to work with someone who could meet with me at my Midtown  
Manhattan studio, but it is not an absolute requirement.

  stevewidman at

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