[nycphp-jobs] Senior PHP5 developer - Social media

John Schoneboom john at
Fri Jul 17 10:05:51 EDT 2009

Gotta weigh in on the side of the wise-asses.  Brian's comment is well  
taken and it's true we don't want to discourage job posters.  On the  
other hand I think there's equally good if not better value in using  
this network to reality-check with each other once in a while.  Wise  
cracks not only keep things a bit fun but they also can reflect some  
truths about the market.  I wouldn't sleep well at night thinking the  
rest of you were unanimously going around thinking of yourselves in  
all earnestness as rockstars out to change the world with your passion  
to work 20 hours a day.  If we can have the slightest influence on  
employer's expectations by means of our sarcastic feedback, so much  
the better.


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